Thursday, April 14, 2022

What is so good about Good Friday?

Jesus says three things form the Cross in John’s gospel.  First he joins his mother and the beloved disciple.  “Woman, behold your son, behold your mother.”  Next He says “I am thirsty.”  Finally he says, “It is Finished.”  So what is Jesus telling us at this most critical time?  What are we to make of his words from the cross?

“Woman, behold your son…behold your mother.”  Even on the cross Jesus is taking care of the ones He loves.  With these words he is binding together His mother and the beloved disciple.  The beloved disciple is now not just a disciple, but an intimate part of Jesus' family, God’s family.  Of course we know the beloved disciple to be the disciple John.  Throughout the gospel attributed to John, the writer never says John.  It is always the beloved disciple.  It is a possible literary technique to draw the reader into the story.  In many ways it is saying that you can be like the beloved disciple.  You too can have such experiences with our Lord.  In a way, Jesus is drawing all “beloved disciples” into his family.  Jesus is always deepening our relationship with God.

“It is finished.”  Why do we call it Good Friday?  I often feel weird on Good Friday.  I am sad that Jesus has died, but it is by the grace of the cross that we are saved.  On the cross Jesus experiences death and thus is fully able to bridge the divine and human experiences together.  “It is finished.”  His hour is finished.  All is complete!  This of course is what makes it Good Friday.  Only Jesus on the cross (fully human/ fully God) can bring all things together.  Praise God that He did!