Friday, February 18, 2022

Be a Link in the Body of Christ

Be a link in the Body of Christ…

Have you ever been really proud to be a part of a team or organization?  I remember the first team I was proud to be on.  It was my second grade soccer team.  I loved the coach.  I liked my fellow teammates.  I enjoyed playing the game and I had a role on the team as a goalie.  It was wonderful.  We won the league championship and I received my first trophy.  Come to think of it, it may be my last trophy as well.  There is something wonderful about being a part of a special team.  Usually there are some common characteristics about being on a special team or in a great organization.  First, good teams and organizations have great leadership.  Second, you are surrounded by good people.  Third, what you are doing is worthwhile.  Lastly, you have a clear and defined role in which to thrive.

I think about this topic today because of a prayer:  

Almighty God, you have built your Church upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone: Grant us so to be joined together in unity of spirit by their teaching, that we may be made a holy temple acceptable to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

I was particularly drawn to the first sentence.  This was actually the first collect I ever prayed as an ordained priest.  It was my first Sunday at Saint Paul’s in Greenville, Ohio, June 30th of 2002.  I remember thinking that this collect was perfect for me to hear that Sunday.  It teaches all of us a few things.

First, it teaches that we stand on the shoulders of a great multitude of Christians who have gone before.  “Almighty God you have built your church on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets…”  There have been many wonderful Christians who have gone before you and me.  At best they inspire us to explore our relationship with God more.  People like Antony, Benedict, Ignatius, Julian of Norwich, and Bonhoeffer inspire us.  Like the earliest Apostles they spread the Gospel and teach that sacrificial love triumphs over death, and grace over evil.  We do not have to reinvent the message, just keep preaching and teaching it.

Second, this collect reminds me that it is God’s Church.  “…Jesus Christ himself being the chief cornerstone.”  It is not my church (a message every priest needs to hear often).  It is not your church.  It is not the lay leader's church.  It is not even the Bishop’s or the Pope's church.  It is God’s church.  We are simply called to be links in the body, to be good stewards.  The body of Christ is made up of human beings like you and me, but it is all grounded in the love of God found in Christ Jesus.

At the beginning I talked about being a part of great organizations.  The church has great leadership in Jesus Christ our Lord.  The church is filled with faithful and wonderful people.  The church has the most worthwhile calling to spread the good news and help others.  Finally, we can all be a part and share the God given gifts we have.  If you need help finding a spot, then just ask.  There are always plenty of things to do in a church.  The Church however differs in one respect from all other organizations.  All other teams and organizations have a starting point and an end.  The Church, the body of Christ, goes on forever.  Think about that, you can always be a part of God’s team.  You can always be a link in Christ’s Body.  AMEN.